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Commentaires (2)
walter 25 mai 2023 à 16:45

I have the ‘bouquet anglophone’ which includes the classic film channel TCM as part of my Orange TV package. There is no menu for the TCM channel and I have no way of knowing what film will be shown until the film actually starts playing. I have tried to subscribe to the TCM bi-monthly email which I understand gives details of the films to be shown in advance but have been refused with the response that TCM is not available in my area (16230 France). Clearly the channel is of no value to me if it does not inform it’s clients in advance of what will be available to watch.
I should be grateful if you could tell me if this present situation is a temporary fault or the norm.
Many thanks,

Annette 1 janvier 2021 à 17:34

Bonjour. Ou est passée la chaîne Fine Living HD 405 de mon bouquet anglophone ? Depuis aujourd’hui 01/01/2021 ça affiche que la chaîne n’est plus disponible. Serait elle remplacé par une autre chaîne? Merci.

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